“La donna nel vento”-Film on gender-based violence, the ferocity of Femicide that crosses the 1900s to get to the most recent chronicles. The gaze of the Cagliari director (Giovanni Corda) is turned to a current theme. Generated by a male-dominated culture in which there is an imbalance of power between genders, says Francesco Montini. He works for the Movie Factory Rome that produced the film.
The film was created through the typical research of documentaries mixed with the languages of Cinema, Photography, Music, Dance, Visual Art.
The film is scheduled for release in Spring 2022. It is the latest chapter in the trilogy on gender violence. It comes after the award-winning "Il Rosa Nudo", on the Nazi persecution against homosexuals and "Bullied To Death", on homophobic cyberbullying.
#LaSposaNelVento #Feminicide #Violence #LatestChapter #IlRosaNudo #BulliedToDeath #GiovanniCorda #MovieFactoryRoma