It premiered at a late-night event at the Annecy Animation Festival in France, where director Pete Browngardt and Warner Bros. Animation president Sam Register took the stage to present the film. Focusing on classic Looney Tunes characters Porky Pig and Daffy Duck (both voiced by Eric Bauza).
During the screening of The Day the Earth Blew Up, the audience erupted in enthusiastic laughter, particularly enjoying scenes depicting the main characters' upbringing and their job-seeking efforts. The film follows the duo as they join forces to thwart a powerful alien's plan to take over the planet, with complications arising when Porky becomes interested in Petunia Pig (Candi Milo).
Browngardt, known for Uncle Grandpa, mentioned that this was his fifth time participating in the animation festival. He expressed, "Creating this movie was a labor of love for me and the entire team of artists involved. To all the Looney Tunes fans, I hope you find joy in this film."
He continued, “It’s been a long road. We worked four years on this. It’s 2D-animated. We put our hearts and souls into this, so I hope you enjoy it tonight.”
When speaking to the audience, Register commended Browngardt's vision for the project. "Annecy is the ideal location for the premiere of this film due to the significance of the Looney Tunes characters," Register expressed.
"This movie holds great importance as these characters are deeply cherished by us and the animation industry. I had complete trust in Pete Browngardt to create a feature-length animated film centered around these characters."
The Day the Earth Blew Up is the first Looney Tunes feature film to be fully animated and released theatrically. This premiere comes after Warner Bros.’ choice not to debut Coyote vs. Acme, a movie blending live-action and CG animation centered around Wile E. Coyote, a Looney Tunes character, and featuring John Cena and Will Forte.