In a thrilling announcement, Disney has unveiled plans for the much-anticipated sequel, "Hocus Pocus 3." Sean Bailey, the president of Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Production, revealed this exciting news during a recent interview featured in The New York Times. This upcoming installment follows the success of last year's "Hocus Pocus 2," which delighted audiences nearly three decades after the unforgettable performances of Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy, and Sarah Jessica Parker.
The trio of talented actresses, known for their bewitching roles as the iconic Sanderson Sisters, have expressed their keen interest in reprising their beloved characters for the third film. Fans can once again expect to be enchanted by their captivating performances.
The original "Hocus Pocus" film, released in 1993, introduced audiences to a teenager unwittingly summoning the mischievous Sanderson Sisters, portrayed by Midler, Najimy, and Parker. The 2022 sequel revolved around a group of teenagers accidentally resurrecting the witches, leading to an exhilarating and magical adventure.
While specific details regarding the cast and release date of "Hocus Pocus 3" remain undisclosed at this stage, the anticipation among fans continues to build. Enthusiasts of the franchise eagerly await the enchanting journey that awaits them in this highly awaited sequel.
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