Jason Blum wants Robert Englund to return to Elm Street. Englund who is most known for his role as horror icon Freddy Krueger says he is done with this role but the new guru of the genre still hopes for a return of Englund in the role as Krueger.
Back in 1984 Englund became one of the biggest stars of the horror genre when playing Freddy Krueger in Terror on Elm Street. A murderer who haunts teenagers in their nightmares. Englund repeated his role for seven more movies where the latest was in 2003 with “Freddy vs Jason” where he was paired with Jason Voorhees from “Friday the 13th” movies. There has been one remake from 2010 that economically did very well but was not received well by critics and fans. But who knows, maybe Englund has it in him to return to one of the most iconic horror roles and haunt new nightmares as Freddy Krueger.