Garrett Garrison, also known as "The Garbage Man," is portrayed by Jason Momoa with shaggy bangs. The characters Henry, played by Sebastian Eugene Hansen, Natalie, portrayed by Emma Myers, and Dawn, played by Danielle Brooks, find themselves transported into the universe of Minecraft in the teaser for A Minecraft Movie.
Upon entering the new realm, the humans are bewildered by their surroundings. Dawn's reaction to discovering a pink, square sheep is, "What the hell?!" This is just the beginning of the surprises that lie ahead. They soon realize that in this place, "anything you can dream about here, you can make." Their journey is led by a fellow human named Steve (Jack Black), who imparts knowledge on how to thrive in this unfamiliar universe.
The official synopsis of the movie describes a story where four individuals, Garrett "The Garbage Man" Garrison (Momoa), Henry (Hansen), Natalie (Myers), and Dawn (Brooks), are transported to the Overworld, a creative and imaginative world of Minecraft. In order to return home, they must navigate this world, facing challenges from creatures like Piglins and Zombies, with the help of an expert crafter named Steve (Black). Through their journey, they will learn to embrace their unique creativity and skills, ultimately helping them to thrive in the real world.