In 2018 Wes Anderson released his second animated film “Isle of Dogs” and, since then, there had been no word of future work. Luckily, he is now ready to hit the big screen once again with his new film “The French Dispatch” which has already received great feedback from the critic. As a matter of fact, it premiered at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, receiving 9 minutes of a standing ovation from the audience in the theatre. It was released in the United States on the 22nd of October and will soon hit all European theatres.
The film brings on the screen the surreal and ironic Anderson’s style telling the story of a newspaper office. It has been defined by the critics as a homage to newspapers’ world made of printed paper, ideas, driving passion for the job and excellent teamwork. It also praises the art of journalism as the witness of huge historical events and as the voice of smaller but not fewer interesting stories from all over the world. As for the plot, after the death of their chief, the team working at “French Dispatch” decides to realise a commemorative edition of the weekly magazine taking some of the best articles published in the previous years.
To accomplish this project, Anderson put together an incredible cast with a huge amount of talent. In fact, it features actors such as Billy Murray, Timothée Chalamet, Owen Wilson and Adrien Brody. Ironically, although the film is a tribute to journalism, Anderson decided to not organize an official press conference, nor allowed the actors to give interviews to promote it.
#WesAnderson #TheFrenchDispatch #CannesFilmFestival #TimothéeChalamet #AndrienBrody #OwenWilson #BillyMurray