During the mid-2000s, Netflix released a show titled Daredevil which was based on the comic book named after itself. After years of review, the show became well-known and was seen as the best comic book adaptation from book to screen. But what is happening to the show now?
The show including Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock (Daredevil) appeared in Marvel's Cinematic Universe in Spiderman: No Way Home and in the TV show She-Hulk.
Since then Kingpin the main antagonist in Daredevil the TV show has appeared in Hawkeye and now in Echo as the villain.
(Credits to CBR)
Ever since Charlie Cox appeared in No Way Home there has been speculation of when the blind vigilante may appear next. However, it has since been confirmed he will have his TV show called Daredevil: Born Again.
However the show has suffered some major production setbacks, the first being the number of episodes in a season. The original Daredevil on Netflix followed a 13-episode structure for all 3 seasons and Born Again is rumored to have 18.
Although more is good, it is different and has been changed to 13 episodes following the original.
Another problem the show encountered was its story. Matt Murdock has 2 main companions, Foggy Nelson his best friend, and Karen Page his lover. However original leaked script suggested that both of them would die in the first episode which would be very upsetting and not a good way to start it off.
Moreover, if the show was in canon with the MCU, or it was in its own world. But with Matt Murdock and Kingpin showing up in MCU-related TV shows and films, the show will have to occur in the MCU.
This just leaves more questions, however, with the Netflix show, if that takes place in MCU then where are the Avengers when Kingpin and the Punisher destroyed New York and equally, where is Daredevil during the events of the Avengers? The show was originally planned for release in late 2024 however, it has now been pushed back to 2025 with filming problems still occurring.
With the downward slope of Marvel at the moment a lot of fans are left skeptical if the show will match the original show or if will it be worse and ruin the character.
/Kieron Loughran
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