Oscar winners Jared Leto and Anne Hathaway are the two main stars behind new AppleTV miniseries based on the fast and greed rise and fall of WeWork, the worldwide supplier of shared workspaces.
Created by Lee Eisenberg and Drew Crevello and based on the homonymous podcast directed by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa (directors of Crazy Stupid Love), the drama aims at being a “warning” on how easy it is for today’s society to be involved in the surreal idea that earning lots of money is easy and fast. In fact, according to Eisenberg, people nowadays seem to be focused and almost obsessed by the fact that becoming incredibly rich is something doable by anyone and even very quick.
Even if it there isn’t a release date yet, ‘WeCrashed’ traces back the incredibly fast rise of the ‘WeWork’ startup, which became listed worldwide, and the following fall of its charismatic CEO Adam Neumann, played by Mr. Leto, who was forced to resign because of some ferocious complaints issued by his staff about some shady financial moves. Moreover, the series will be focused also on his relationship with his wife, played by Mrs. Hathaway, who was involved in the scandal as the Executive of ‘WeWork’.
Can’t wait to find out more, what about you, people?
#JaredLeto #AnneHathaway #WeWork #AppleTV #WeCrashed #LeeEisenberg #DrewCrevello #GlenFicarra #JohnRequa #AdamNeumann